Tuesday 9 November 2010

Finishing the project

The childrens film we were making was not 100% by the deadline so we had to hand in a uncompleted project. All that needs to be done on the film is the music added to the video and the titles need to finished.

Friday 5 November 2010


We chose a title style we thought suited to children it was hobo standard,font color was light green. we have decided to place these titles at the beginning of the opening scene,e.g. actors names next to the actors.

Music for my my song 5

This is happening at the beginning of the film we used a country style music faded into the background. For the elevator music we used a classical broadway music called 'Off broadway' which worked well as a background sound for the scene.

Thursday 4 November 2010

ending scene music

For the ending we used a forest sound effect to create the scene we faded this out in places to make it sound like a background sound. We put in a big waterfall sound in as well to make more of an effect of the scene.

music for children's film

created music for running scene,using suspense accent one for the beginning of the scene when professor bull spots the two main characters. a chase scene follows this ,we used galleria medium for this. Lastly we used bongo grove no.1 for the ending chase scene.


For the elevator scene we used rotoscoping techniques to get the desired effect we wanted, to edit together the scenes we had. We think it went semi successfully because it does have a clear transition from the elevator to the garden. we will experiment with this technique if we decide to use it again.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Editing techniques

most of the filming is just cutting together of the scenes. but we have to re-do all the sound because of disturbances while filming. for one shot of the film we must rotoscope white light out of the lift door to show the transition from the real world to the new world we created in the film. we will be editing in small creatures into the final scene to make it look like a magical fantasy world.
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